Etymology/ The history of English language

Etymology is the study of the history of language and where it is from. One the first round of literacy, We’ve been focusing on this splendid lesson with excitement. As an English Learner, we’ve been trying hard to know and understand more about this language. The English language is from Latin and Greek and most of them are created in Church. There were so many articles that we read such as day’s name, black death, dog, Exhibition of work. All of the articles are related to how Language change over time. One example for the exhibitions is that it is the collection of his work that has written and made a big impact on English. His accomplishments are play and more. Moreover, the purpose of this round lesson is learning new vocabulary and the root word. Our teacher would us a home packet that contains 10 vocabularies and some exercise with word on Monday every week.

There were also a lot of interesting articles I’ve read about in this round. I’ve read about the silence GIF that people can hear the sound. The GIF contains the movement of voltage electricity that jumps over a rope and the picture shake. The scientist discovers and finds out that many people heard the sound when they look in the gif. As I sometimes also hear the GIF I think that people heard the sound because when voltage electricity jump and touch the group it will shake. It creates the sound from the brain because people see things falling and has the sound in their daily life.

This is the link to the article:


In math class this year it is harder than the last year. The book we are learning this round is Primary Mathematics 5A. We’ve learned more advance lesson about fraction, factor, multiplication, algebra and more. One of the most challenging lesson that most of the students were struggle was algebra. It requires us to think a lot to solve one algebra problem. After, spending time learning about it I think that is not that difficult if we try to do it. There are so many lessons that we are getting through right now. One of my favorite lessons is fractions. I feel comfortable to learned and solve the problem. There are some new strategies and knowledge in math that are being taught by the teacher. Not only that we use math book we’re also using online program learn. I use to be uncomfortable to solve a problem or catch up with the lesson before but right now I really love math because I spend my own trying to learn it a lot. I love how my teacher explains about each problem very clearly. Math is hard but it might get easier if you practice a lot.

Wondering of an Atom

On the lesson that we’ve been discussing is the atom. The matter is made up of atom even if the atom is very small that we don’t have the ability to see it with our eyes. The center of the atom is called the nucleus. The nucleus is neutron and proton surround by the electron. The nucleus is made up of neutron and proton. Proton has charge well neutron has no charge. As a comparison, if an atom is the size of a stadium the nucleus would be the size of a peanut. It is very small. On the other hand, the smallest thing that has discovered so far is quark which is what created proton and neutron.

In general, I am amazed at how small atom is but there are still so many ingredients that made it up such as an electron, nucleus proton, neutron, and quark. I would love to have more opportunity to learn about science to allow myself to have more knowledge about it.

Image result for atom
This is an example of an atom that we use to learn more about an Atom

Deepening Algorithm

Introduction to Programming by a drawing game

For the first week of programming, We discussed was to demonstrate the three roles in programs world. Drawing led the students to under the concept of how programming work. There will be three students in a team to play each role. The instructor will give the instruction about how to draw the picture to the one who draws. The instructor represents the idea of doing something before turning to programming. Instructions writer would write the strategy that instructor use, which plays the role of programmer. The last process of programming is the drawer that plays the role after the program is printed out. An algorithm is also the part of programming because it finds the solution to solve a problem as programming does.


When it comes to an algorithm, it can be strategies that give us the ability to solve the problem easier. The strategies for a single problem can sometimes be unlimitable. The purpose of using an algorithm is to solve a problem better easier and faster.

An algorithm that we work on in class this week was to find the sum of (1+2+3+4+5+6……200). After, guessing the answer with different strategies we don’t really know if our answer is correct or incorrect. First, It was very unfathomable to find the efficient answer for the question. But we find out a very useful algorithm pattern for the problem. It is  N(N-1) and N stand for the last number of the sum problem which is 200.

To sum up, this splendid lesson has given me the opportunity to discern the basic of programming. It was like solving a problem by finding the best and efficient problem. I am looking forward to learning this kind of subject more to improve myself, as a person who passionate programming.