The Journey of Digital Art | Technology and Multimedia


In the present day, creativity can be made in so many form and structure. They can be made through painting, dancing, film, movie, literature, performing art, architecture, etc. It allows us to cross a door out of the boundary and create things from our soul, imagination, individuality, and inspiration. While there are so many ways, technology is one of the latest ways I’ve tried to be open to any creativity. In technology and multimedia class, students can choose different projects to work on using technology independently. I’ve chosen two of the Adobe software which is Photoshop and Illustrator.

Due to the passion I have about art, I’ve tried to make some digital art inside the Adobe software. The main tool I’ve used to outline most of the time is the pen tool. It allows the artist to create shapes with freeform curves. Unlike the pencil or paintbrush, it doesn’t drag where ever you want it to be. It wasn’t easy and comfortable when I first use it but from time to time it becomes much easier and faster.



Another challenge I face with digital art is coloring. I’ve been working with many projects in those software and one of them is turning my favorite portrait into a traditional Khmer dance cloth to a Cartoon portrait inspired by Dolify doll created by Dave Álvarez. When I do coloring I need to make sure that all of the skin shading and color is right. There all also different part of faces like the face, lip, eyes and many more. In addition to those portraits, I’ve done artworks such as watercolor portrait, Winnie the Pooh and gradient rose in the sky.

Gradient rose in the sky – Adobe Photoshop
A watercolor portrait – Adobe Photoshop
The moon and the Sun – Adobe Photoshop


Where is the ISS? | Python

Imagine you could know where is the international space station located. It might be very fascinating and amazing to access to all of those data. Thanks to Nasa, they have those data display publicly on the internet. Those data include where is the Nasa space station located in real time and it can also tell us when it will cross over some places using longitude and latitude.

In Multimedia and Technology round 4, It was a fascinating lesson learning about different project and challenge about python from code club website. We apply our knowledge about for loop, while loop, list, dictionary and more by doing varieties of challenge give from code club. We complete those challenge and run it in a website called Trinket, which is code canvas.

One of the last projects I did was Where is the Space Station? Python challenge. What I’ve learned from this project is the Nasa provide a free source of where the international space located and when will it cross over any places in a web. It is also amazing that it was created in a programming dictionary form and you can access the value by using the key value name such as longitude and latitude. The information updates every second that the international space station move. This is the final project Where is the ISS?

There are other projects I’ve done:

Team Chooser:

Random Art:

You can also try many other projects in code club and try to do all the challenges in each of the project you choose.


Why python is easy?


Python is considered to be one of the easiest programming languages among others but the word easiest doesn’t define it as easy. It can be described as more direct words and less syntax compare to other programming languages. In the first week of the third round in Technology and Multimedia essentials, We learn about basic python such as syntax white space, variable, operation, if, else, if, while loop, for loop, etc. I created a poster to summarize and the slide presentation by our teacher to teach us in our class.

Click here for the slide

Basic photography course

“Each detail in a photo are captured to observe” this is my personal quote. Photography is one of my beloved subject in art. When I learn and explore more about photography it changes the way I look at the beauty of the world. Even I see a light bulb, sunset, mountain, birds, flower, leaf, those thing made me want to bring up a camera and captured a photo to see it again in the future. In my opinion, photography is like a  reversal moment to look back at after taking step forward. I am also thankful to my school for having new essential which is Technology and Multimedia.

In this round, We are focusing on multimedia and one of the course is photography basics.

There are two types of cameras have invented so far. They are DSLR(Digital Single Lens Reflex) and Mirrorless. The difference between the two cameras is how they captured the light for the photographer to see in the viewfinder. DSLR can be called optical viewfinder(OVF) because they have a mirror that allows light to go in and reflect in your viewfinder. On the other side, Mirrorless camera has an electronic viewfinder(EVF). It doesn’t have the mirror but they capture the light and relays it into your electronic viewfinder. You can also understand the two types of cameras but knowing that mirrorless camera uses electric for the viewfinder while DSLR doesn’t need to use any. There are slightly a lot of materials that create a photo

Exposure is the amount of light reaching the camera sensor. There are three things that affect the exposure. It consists of Shutter speed, Aperture, and ISO. Below is the picture of triangle exposure which allow you to understand how they affect the exposure.

Shutter speed is the amount of time the shutter open to allow the light in. The longer the shutter open is the more light that permit to be in the photo. They are measure in fraction of second(Ex: 1/100). They affect how motion is captured depending on situations such as sport, waterfall, shooting star and more. A very interesting type of photo created by shutter speed is Light Painting. If want to do the light painting photo you will need to set your Shutter speed to be very long to permit the light in. These are some example of the photo

Aperture is the size of len allowing the light to enter. It affect the depth in field(bluring) Just to keep in mind that the small the number is the bigger the size of len. The wider the temperature is the blurer it is. The wide aperture (i.e f/1.8) has shallow depth in field which mean it is good if you want to take picture of a subject with blurring background.Narrow aperture (i.e. f/11) has a deep depth of field it is good for landscapes/scenery.


ISO is how sensitive your camera to light. It can also represent how dark and bright is your photo too. If you increase ISO your photo will be bright and your Shutter will also increase. One of the advantage of increasing ISO is they create noise color. Noise color are small dots of color in your photo. It is best to keep ISO low only increase when aperture and shutter speed adjustments are not enough.

Lastly, We also studied some types of camera shots such as fong shot, full shot, medium shot, close-up, extreme close-up, low angles, high angles, eye level, dutch-angle/tilt, over the shoulder and birds eye view.

Interesting fact

A very interesting type of photo created by shutter speed is Light Painting. If you want to do the light painting photo you will need to adjust your Shutter speed to be very long to permit the light in. These are some example of the photo you can also give feedback for the photo you like the most. THANK YOU!





This is the presentation that our teacher cindy use to teach us:


Deepening Algorithm

Introduction to Programming by a drawing game

For the first week of programming, We discussed was to demonstrate the three roles in programs world. Drawing led the students to under the concept of how programming work. There will be three students in a team to play each role. The instructor will give the instruction about how to draw the picture to the one who draws. The instructor represents the idea of doing something before turning to programming. Instructions writer would write the strategy that instructor use, which plays the role of programmer. The last process of programming is the drawer that plays the role after the program is printed out. An algorithm is also the part of programming because it finds the solution to solve a problem as programming does.


When it comes to an algorithm, it can be strategies that give us the ability to solve the problem easier. The strategies for a single problem can sometimes be unlimitable. The purpose of using an algorithm is to solve a problem better easier and faster.

An algorithm that we work on in class this week was to find the sum of (1+2+3+4+5+6……200). After, guessing the answer with different strategies we don’t really know if our answer is correct or incorrect. First, It was very unfathomable to find the efficient answer for the question. But we find out a very useful algorithm pattern for the problem. It is  N(N-1) and N stand for the last number of the sum problem which is 200.

To sum up, this splendid lesson has given me the opportunity to discern the basic of programming. It was like solving a problem by finding the best and efficient problem. I am looking forward to learning this kind of subject more to improve myself, as a person who passionate programming.